
Ryuuji Takasu (竜児 高須)

                He is the main character of the story. He is 17.Ryuuji is a young man who lives in a little house with his mother, Yasuko and his parrot, Inko. He is a good cooker and obsessed by cleaning, he can't stand dirty place and he feels obliged to clean it and likes to see a prettier place after his cleaning. People are usually afraid of him because of his look, they think that he will attack them. That's why everybody in his high school (except his friends) think that he is a violent offender. He loves Minori in secret.

Aisaka Taiga (大河 逢坂)

                She is little but she could be very furious for little things. She is 17 too. You should not have problem with her or you will probably be hit by her little fist which is nevertheless powerful. That's why others students in the high school call her "Tenori Taiga" which mean "Palmtop Tiger", it refers to her little size and her violence when she is angry. Minori and her are best friends. They are always happy as soon as they meet. She loves Yusaku in secret.

Minori Kushieda (実乃梨 櫛枝)

                Minori is Taiga's best friend. She is always cheerful and full of energy. Her nickname is Minorin. She is the chieftain of the high school baseball team. One of her most important quality is that she always fight as good as she can to help her friends or win a baseball match. 

Yusaku Kitamura (祐作 北村)

         He is Ryuuji's best friend. He is 17. He is a good student, probably the better of the class C (they are all in the same class). Lot of girls like him cause he is nice. He is the vice president of the student council, the class representative and the captain of the boy's softball club at school. He doesn't think that he knows how to talk to girls even if Ryuuji tell him the opposite. In general, he is not very expressive but he is quite happy, he is almost never angry, staying cool and nice.

Yasuko Takasu (泰子 高須)

                She is Ryuuji's mother. She is 32. She is always half asleep because she works in a bar every evening from twilight to dawn. She depends on Ryuuji completely for cooking and cleaning. She tries to help Ryuuji in his different relationship problems. Her behavior is child-like but it doesn't prevent her from being a responsible mother.

Ami Kawashima (亜美 川嶋)

                Ami is Yūsaku's childhood friend who transfers into his class during the year. She is 17. For her study she temporarily stop modeling. She goes to gym to keep her slim figure, which she likes to show. At first meet, during a meal, she revealed her real personality to Aisaka while the others were not here. She thinks that she is better than anyone else and that others are born to worship her. They stay as enemies but they could tease together. Aisaka calls her "Baka-chi " (Stupid Chihuahua) to show Ami that she don't really like her. She always tries to seduce Ryuuji.

Sumire Kanou (狩野 すみれ)

              Sumire is the student council president and always manages to get the top grades in school. She is in fact a scholarship student and has superb eyesight (which is untestable). She has a strong-minded personality which she depends on to be a figure those will follow. Her younger sister is Sakura and her parents own a supermarket. Sumire likes Yusaku and as a result is the object of an one-sided hostility from Taiga.

Yuri Koigakubo (ゆり 恋ヶ窪)

            She is the teacher who is responsible of Ryuuji's class. She is 29. She is quite shy and scared when she talk to Aisaka because Aisaka could answer aggressively. She becomes 30 during the story. Since this birthday, Yuri is in a hurry to get married soon and she even tries to dress well to be able to get into a relationship as quick as possible. Moreover, she develops a twisted and depressed personality. When Taiga talks about her, she stress her single status. She wants to buy her own flat.

Inko (いんこ)
                Ryuuji's parrot. He is always squinting. Ryuuji always hopes that he will pronounce his name every time Inko tries. Ryuuji likes him and defend him when Aisaka says that he is awful and ugly.

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